Chapter 6: What the f***?!

Hey there everyone! Welcome back to my 100 infants challenge!

Last time in the challenge we finally hit the important milestone of having the first kids reach young adulthood and move out of the house. We managed to grow our first (and hopefully for a while, only) set of twins all the way to children, and kept making slow progress into being a little less broke lol but that’s a long, hard road to travel still.

Today, we’re having a little bit of a weird situation in my game lol I don’t know how to explain it so…better get started so you can see for yourselves lol I hope you have fun with us today!

Hyacinth welcomes us to the house with a very cool Evil laugh lol I love it when sims do this.

Gaia keeps feeding the Infants from inside the fridge lol maybe that gives her faster access to the food? lol.

Hyacinth takes Clover’s place and starts helping the twins with their homework so she can get the Good deeds badge.

This does take a long time, so in the end I decided to get a normal trashcan so they can earn the badge that way too lol good thing about a family as big as this one is that there’s always more than enough trash for the money-making trashcan anyways.

The cheap computer keeps breaking and I keep being annoyed at it lol I want to buy a  better one soooo bad, but I’m trying to save money so we can move to a bigger lot.

Hyacinth may be evil, but she’s still our life saver with the infants lol I am getting better with them already, but having a teen around definitely helps.

Oh yeah, I got a mod that makes it so kids wear uniforms to school in any neighborhood! I was missing the private school uniforms from Sims 2, and here where I live we actually all wear them, so why not? If I get tired I can always take the mod out lol.

While the kids were out of the house and Fern was sleeping, Gaia managed to have Oak learn his final needed milestone! Time for a birthday!

Happy birthday Oak!

And he’s still so adorable as a toddler ❤ He grew up with that sweater so I only matched the other clothes and I’m in love with his outfit lol. He got the very on point trait: Charmer lol he’s sure is charming even while he’s angry because he’s too tired.

We take him to bed immediatly so he can keep being a little charmer ❤ sweet dreams little Oak.

And with that taken care of, Gaia takes the chance to invite Stephon over and get working on our next baby! Thanks for your donation Stephon!

And back to mom duty. Gaia took care of Oak’s bath, and then Hyacinth gave one to Fern too once she came back fro school ❤ I love giving the babies baths.

The rocking chair keeps being a favorite sit around the house, I think it actually rivals the toddler beds! Dandelion comes all on his own to keep Oak company, which is good because both needed some social.

Gaia is having a very hard time with this pregnancy, so both our toilets are in desperate need of cleaning lol thankfully, cleaning gives badges! Specially because Gaia doesn’t have too much time to clean right now lol.

She was actually getting a little tense because the kids don’t leave her much time to work out (my fault for choosing to use an Active sim lol) so she gets a quick workout before they come from school.

And today it’s an important day because the twins finally got their As! With their aspirations already completed, we’re having three teenagers in the house! That’s a first~

Happy birthday to Dandy and Daisy!!

And we interrupt the birthday to get this super cute shot of Hyacinth playing with Oak ❤ I love my Evil girl so much.

Anyways, birthdays and makeovers dealt with, here we have our problem twins! Dandelion got the Kleotomaniac trait, so I guess he took over being the problem twin from his sister lol He also has the Soulmate aspiration, which is cute in contrast lol.

Daisy keeps being a very good girl, so I officially take the title of trouble girl from her lol she rolled Recycle disciple (and I’m wondering why the Ecoliving traits are so prominent so far lol), and her aspiration is Superparent, which is also adorable.

They are so both super good looking, I already wanna use Dandy on something lol.

Gaia gets a cuple hours on the pc again, so she tries to get her third book done. This time it’s a short stories compilation.

Aaaaaand then this happened…

Dandelion was out using the telescope when I got the notification about the meteor again. I had him go inside the house like last time and didn’t worry about it, but then the meteor striked him right after he came down from the treehouse!

Gaia and Hyacinth rushed outside to watch and yeah, Grim appeared and everthing! I tried pleading for Dandy’s life, but Grim said now and my heart broke a little </3 I really was so excited about saving Dandy for another challenge…

But I guess he’s gone…

…Or not? WHat?!

You can see it yourselves right there; Gaia pleaded and Grim said no! But out of the blue Dandelion came back to the household and was up like nothing?????

Hello??? Sims?!

I sent Dandy to train to check if I could really command him again… And yeah, he seems alright…

What the hell?

It’s been two weeks since I played this and I still don’t understand what happened… what…??

Hey Grim… just between you and me, are you drunk on the job or something?

Grim: “You insult me! I would never!”

… I.. I’m sorry, you’re right… *goes away to keep being confused*

Hey Daisy, I think your brother may be a zombie.

Daisy, not looking at me: “Don’t be ridiculous, zombies aren’t even part of the game!”


See? Even Oak got the mourning moodlet and everything!

Dandelion, from another room:


Since the kids still need the Science badge, and we only have one computer they have to share with Gaia, Daisy gets her turn with the telescope.

Everything goes alright this time *shifty eyes*

Hey Dandy! Still… feeling alive and all that?

Dandelion: “Yeah, the only weird thing around here is that you’re making everyone nervous. Stop it.”

…ok, ok, I’ll stop… *backs away slowly, not breaking eye contact.*

Mmm… Daisy and Hyacinth became best friends, while our Evil girl was insulting her sister… again, I declare the game drunk lol.

Daisy: “Well, being insulted by being compared to a dragon is kinda cool I guess?”

…I mean yeah, she has a point.

Hyacinth still has a B at school and the weekend is coming. We can always work on the badges then, so looks like it’s time to double down on school stuff! You can do it Hyacinth! *cheers*

Little Fern has the messy eater quirk ❤ He looks so adorable all covered in food!

This is also his last infant meal, because he already has all of his milestones ready to grow up!

Oak, meanwhile, reveals that he has the Loves books one, which is actually more problematic that I initially thought lol Everytime I sent him to do something, he would stop halfway to go ask somebody for a story lol he actually maxed his Imagination skill by the time we got him to Happy toddler lol.

Brant randomly came to visit, and while we’re not supposed to get help from the donors, Having the father blow candles with his kid isn’t really that bad, or is it? lol.

Well, anyways, Brant helped Fern grow up~

And here’s the little cutie ❤ He grew up Clingy, so that’s gonna be extra work for us lol.

Hey, Clover is the first kid to get married after leaving! I’m probably not gonna keep track of the marriages and stuff, but it’s the first one so it’s a historic moment for the Gardens!

Also, I like to keep a list of people the kids marry to make sure I’m not using one their husbands as a donor lol that would be a little too weird for me.

There’s nothing on the rules about having previous kids helping with the current ones, so Aspen entertains Oak, with a story of course lol seriously this kid only cares about story time. Maybe he’ll want to be an author when he grows up.

yaaaaaaay we managed Hyacinth’s A right before the weekend! Now we just need to finish her last badges and she’ll be ready to grow up!

But later lol for now, the kids are in desperate need of fun, and for some reason the tv wasn’t helping as much as I hoped, so I had to splurge some money on a console to see if videogames did a better job. They really don’t… but we’ll work on that once we have more money lol. I really want to move.

Also, right now we were a little busy because we got the news that Gaia is in labor~ she’s also in dire need of a bath, because looks like labor hit her a little too hard and she didn’t make it to the bathroom.

I let her take a quick shower before going to the hospital, and we took Stephon with us for the traditional preparental panic.

We also discovered that our next donor was at the hospital at the same time lol are you getting a little too excited Victor? I know he’s a family sim, so it kinda makes sence lol.

Ayways, Gaia was finally admited, and in no time we had another cute little boy in our arms! I totally blanked on names, and I called him Vine lol I better start making a names list so this doesn’t become an everyday thing.

We’re back at the house and again thanking the sims gods for teenagers lol Gaia can focus on getting Vine all settled at home and be confident that her other babies are being taken care of.

And once the littlest ones are all ok and out for the night, or at least entertained, the teens go back to working on badges and fun. As you can see, the stereo is, as usual, the favorite object around the house lol.

Yessss!! This is one of the only challenges where this is actually useful!! Congrats Gaia! This is great! Specially because I checked and the super efficient baby care also works on infants!

I feel like Oak was a toddler for a really shorts time lol but here we have him getting his last needed skill point! Aspen was still hanging around the house, so he made us a favor and helped him blow his candiles for the second time in this update! 

Happy birthday again little guy!

And hello to his not-so-little version! He’s still very cute, and I gave him back his super puffy curls lol I never use these hair but I love it on him!

Oak rolled Goofball for his trait, and the Creative Genius aspiration… Which is the same that Clover completed lol this makes it 6 kids sharing the same two aspirations, and I don’t know what to think lol. But hey, at least this time we already have the treehouse.

Speaking of the treehouse. I totally forgot that there’s a sleeping spot over there, and ended up buying Oak a bed lol this is why I never have money.

Gaia is closer to getting another milestone of the painting aspiration done (and also we need moneys), so we try to squeeze some painting during the night. Her needs aren’t the best usually Tho, so She’s having some trouble with the excelent paintings lol

So we make a quick stop to get working on the next baby! I ended up deciding I want to go with the immortal matriarch version of the challenge, so having 100 kids with Gaia alone, and that means I have to check that she doesn’t age up on me lol and since I’m trying to save her points for useful traits, having her pregnant is the better way to prevent aging lol.

Victor was eager to help us, so this went without a hitch! Thanks for your help Victor!

And with a new bun in the oven and better needs in general, we’re back to painting! This is one of those pictures I haven’t seen before, cute little birdy<3

Oak works on his aspiration by pretending he’s a forest prince. Maybe an elf or a fae? I adore seeing the pictures that pop up when the kids play like this ❤

Next morning while waiting for the Scouts meeting, Daisy helps little Fern with his skills while Dandy has breakfast. This shot makes me realize that Gaia has A LOT of black-haired kids lol I was expecting mostly redheads from her genes, but the game loves to troll me lol I’m gonna start looking for more blond and brunet donors.

Since it’s the weekend, it’s time for the family to make a trip to the park so the kids can have some air and work on their goals! I like having something like this to break a little the monotony of the challenge.

Oak needs Mental skill, so he joined Bjorn for his chess game.

Loooool I knew Squeamish sims didn’t like catching frogs, but I had no idea they also didn’t like fishing lol it makes sense, but I had no idea.

So we send him to keep Fern out of trouble instead lol he was too uncomfortable to do much else. Sorry Dandy!

We came back home since we’ve just gotten Vine’s birthday notification, and here we have our newest infant! I gotta admit I was a little dissapointed because I was hoping he would get his dad’s bright red hair, but he’s still adorable, which surprises no one lol. He’s also Sunny, so I dressed him on very bright colors.

Hyacinth didn’t really show her Evil trait while she was a child, but now she’s getting the difficult dynamic with everybody lol I think Daisy was the only one who didn’t get it, because kid has some very strange opinions about being insulted.

the eternal grind of this challenge is definitely the Infant milestones lol all the other things go with no major trouble, but infants are always the challenge.

You guys know how much I love my toddler bathtime pictures ❤ I just can’t resist them.

I mean, at least she’s still a sweetheart with the baby lol I think that’s a win when it comes to Evil sims. Also, she’s still very pretty so I’m weak for her lol.

The playtent is one of my favoriote objects honestly ❤ kids look so cute when they play in it, no matter what age they are!

After getting done with taking care of Vine, Hyacinth was finally able to get her last painting done, and with that she completed all the scout badges!

So time to haver blow her candles into adulthood! We’re gonna miss you so much Hyacinth!

Her last trait is Freegan, I’m still sad that she didn’t continue with the evil witch theme lol but hey, it can never be perfect.

For now, she’s out of the house and into the gallery! I’m really gonna miss her.

And I think this is the perfect place to leave today’s update! initially I was gonna play until the birth of the next baby, but I’m a little tired and still processing what the hell happened to Dandelion lol. So better take a break.

I hope you had fun with my drunk game and me! Next time, lots of birthdays as usual lol probably more of my game being weird and trolling me, and lots more fun! See ya then!

Happy simming~

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